“Remembering Our True Parent on Father’s Day” Kirpal Bagh, Delhi

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj delivered a touching discourse on the occasion of Father’s Day, a day celebrated around the world to remember, recognize, and honor our fathers and father figures. He said we should also remember and celebrate our True Parent–God on this day and every day, for it is because of God’s love that we are here on earth. Our soul, which enlivens our body, is a part of God.
As we navigate our path Godward in this human existence, it is important that we work to strengthen our relationship with God. We can do so by experiencing God’s love, which is within us. This happens as we go within through meditation.
Additionally, as we develop gratitude for all that God has bestowed upon us, and as we remain in constant sweet remembrance of God we are strengthening our bond. Every breath is a gift from God and an opportunity for us to find our way back to God. The more we connect with God through meditation, the more we experience the love of God, and the stronger our yearning to meet God.
It is this constant yearning that cleanses our heart and renders it a fit vestibule for God’s love. Being devoid of all thought but that of God is what ultimately culminates in our merger with God, the spiritual Master said.