Sunday Program in Lisle: Seek God Within

On this beautiful Sunday, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj explained how human beings, since time immemorial, have sought God in the outer world. Like a musk deer that unwittingly seeks without for the sweet smell of musk that, in fact, comes from within itself, so too do we seek God without, when God is within us.
God is patiently waiting for us to take our attention away from the outer world and focus it within, he said. Unfortunately we have become so enamored with God’s gifts that we have forgotten the Giver. So busy are we with living our lives that we have not made time for God, and in the process have forgotten the very reason for which we were given this human birth.
We all have a great purpose, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji said. We come into this human body so we can know God, so we can love God, so we can experience God. Meditation is the means by which we can fulfil this purpose. Through the process of meditation, we can embark on the inner spiritual journey and connect with the Light and Sound of God—the two primal manifestations of the Creator.
Connection with the Light and Sound of God reveals to us the secrets of the Universe and it is then that a clear understanding of who we are and why we are here sets in. Through meditation we begin to see God within ourselves and within all of God’s Creation. As we open up to this truth, we embrace the oneness of all life, and this brings about a transformation within us.
All that is needed to embark on this journey is a sincere yearning to know God, concluded the spiritual Master.