The Science of All Sciences

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

In my travels, I am often asked about the significance of the name of our organization. Science of Spirituality teaches meditation as a science that can be practiced by people from all walks of life, all ages, all backgrounds. We offer meditation workshops, classes, and retreats, talks on a variety of spiritual topics, and conferences focusing on meditation and spirituality.

It is called “science of spirituality” because meditation is practiced like a science, in which we experiment in the laboratory within ourselves.

Science of Spirituality encourages people to try the meditation technique to see for themselves what spiritual treasures lie within. Through performing the experiment accurately, one sees for one’s self the Light within. It is only through experiencing for one’s self that one can really have understanding and conviction. Reading books and listening to lectures can point the way and give the method, but the actual proof of spirituality can only come when we experience it for ourselves through meditation.

Most people think that science and spirituality are totally opposite fields of studies. I can speak from my experience in both areas that they are two sides of the same coin. To me, spirituality is the science of all sciences. The aim of science is to uncover the deepest spiritual truths, and the aim of spirituality is the search for the cause behind scientific fact.

This unique video clip focuses on three hypotheses that we can test in a personal  experiment to connect with God. 


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A szerzőről Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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