The Power of Loving-kindness

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Part of our spiritual progress is based on developing a kind spirit. To do this, we need to put ourselves in the shoes of others. It means feeling the joys and pains of others. We can ask ourselves if the words we say to others are the words we want others to say to us. It means that the deeds we do to others are the deeds we want others to do to us. It means acting in a manner in which God would want us to act.

By cultivating loving-kindness, other people will feel happy to be around us. We would make them feel safe. They would feel that we are loving and helpful. We would be the kind of people that others would want to be with.  Therefore, let us develop loving-kindness for our own spiritual growth. When we lead such a life, we inspire others to also live with loving-kindness.

In this video clip, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji highlights the impact that our kindness can have on others, even when dealing with those who seem difficult. A spiritual Master is a source of kindness, of soothing and healing peace, and we can each experience that peace through meditation.

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