Win the Game of Life through Meditation

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s web broadcast today focused on how we can win the game of life. Unlike other games, championships, and competitions of this world, the game of life is not seasonal but one that is in play at every moment of our life.
It is a game between our soul and the mind. The soul is trying to reach its goal, and the mind is focused on keeping the soul from it. The mind does so through the mechanism of thoughts—thoughts of the past and worries of the future—all of which are a means to distract the soul. We experience this mechanism of the mind whenever we take steps toward the soul’s goal. When we sit down to meditate, when we attempt to extend a helping hand to someone in need, when we try to lead humble lives, the mind derails us, distracts us, and steers us away with thoughts that convince us we should be spending our time in other ways. This tactic of the mind has been in effect since we were born. It has conditioned our soul in such a manner that it has forgotten its goal.
How then can the soul win this game of life? Saints and spiritual Masters come to remind us that God is an ocean of love. Our soul, being a drop of this ocean, is full of love, and the way back to God is through love. To win this game of life, our soul needs to experience God’s love.
While the mind tries to make us love the objects of this world, the saints advise us to open the horizon of our limited vision and realize that there is an existence beyond the physical world. They tell us there are regions within that occur concurrently with this physical world—regions that will enlighten us, give us peace, help us experience the truth, and put us in harmony with the Divine. They teach us the technique of meditation through which we can experience these regions. Once we do so, the inner riches remain with us, and the mind is unable to cast doubt, said the spiritual Master. Connection with God’s love nourishes and strengthens our soul, enabling it to triumph over the mind and reach its goal.