Step by Step

Spirituality is not limited to the saints and mystics of the world. It is a science accessible by and available to each of us because we are all children of God and have a birthright to know God. Today, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj spoke of how we can progress on the spiritual path.
As we embark on the spiritual quest, we awaken gradually to the realization that we are much more than our body, mind, and emotions. We realize that we are spirit, or soul, a part of God that inhabits this body made of matter. The soul is the power that enlivens the body. Once we recognize this truth, we develop a deep yearning to find our way back to our Home, and our spiritual journey begins.
On this journey, we experience headwinds and tailwinds. When we lead ethical lives, when we recognize the oneness of God’s creation and see everyone as an extension of ourselves, when we serve each other selflessly and shoulder each other’s pain, we experience tailwinds that bring us closer to our destination. There will also be headwinds, failures, and missed steps. But we must not let these setbacks deter us from our goal.
The spiritual journey, just like any other journey in this world, can only be realized as we move forward step by step, little by little, with determination and perseverance. It is important, said the spiritual Master, that we put in sincere efforts day after day and leave the results in God’s Hands.