Inaugural Session of the 33rd Human Unity Conference in Delhi

A tidal wave of humanity from distant villages, cities, and countries converged at Kirpal Bagh, Delhi to attend the inaugural session of the 33rd International Human Unity Conference (February 5-6, 2020). This conference is held in February each year to commemorate the life of the spiritual Master Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894-1974), whose birth anniversary falls on February 6. Sant Kirpal Singh Ji was the founding President of the World Fellowship of Religions and the Human Unity Conference. This global forum strives to forward his spiritual vision for human integration and unity.
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj opened his keynote address by sharing Sant Kirpal Singh Ji’s vision for the conference—that people of all walks of life, faiths and nationalities would come together on a common platform and realize our oneness at the level of the soul. Sant Kirpal Singh Ji encouraged all to “Be Good, Do Good, Be One,” and to develop the virtues of love, compassion, nonviolence, humility and selfless service.
In closing his address, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji said that this human birth is an opportunity for us to know ourselves and find God. Meditation is the means by which we can reach this goal. Several invited dignitaries and delegates also addressed the gathering, sharing their views on today’s theme.