World Vegan Day

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

It is a sign of spiritual awakening to see special days such as World Vegan Day being celebrated. Focusing on this aspect of life shows how awareness is growing about life style choices to help us physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Medical researchers are pointing to the benefits of both a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet. Such diets lower the risk of many diseases. The body-mind connection shows that what we put into our body also affects our mind. Vegetarian and vegan diets contribute to a more peaceful state of mind. From an ecological standpoint, a vegetarian and vegan diet provides benefits to the planet.

Many also find such plant-based diets are beneficial for spiritual growth. Those who meditate and connect with the Light within them see that same Light also shining in all other human beings and all living things. Thus, they choose to treat other forms of creation as younger brothers and sisters in one family of God. Such people often choose a plant-based diet as consistent with their spiritual values.

It is heart-warming to see the popularity of the vegetarian and vegan diets. More mainstream grocery stores and restaurants now feature food items for those who are vegan and vegetarian. We have come a long way since the last century where it was hard to find plant-based foods when travelling or eating out. Now, vegan and vegetarian options are on the rise, making it easy to live on these diets.

This World Vegan Day provides an opportunity to research, explore, and try the vegan diet to experience for one’s self the benefits it can bring to the body, mind, and soul.

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