Mother’s Day

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

May 10, 2020

Today is Mother’s Day, a day on which we show love and gratitude to our mothers for the help they have provided us to make us who we are today. This is a day on which we honor our mothers. It is a day on which we reflect upon how they have been taking care of us ever since we were infants, how they clothed us, how they dressed us, how they cooked food for us, and how they taught us what we needed to know to make our life successful.

Sant Rajinder Singh science spiritualityWhen we reflect on what our mother has done for us so we can prosper and learn, and how our life has improved due to the love that we have received from her, then we also have to realize that it is not the deeds and the actions for which we are feeling grateful. When we reflect on this aspect and consider why mothers care so much for their children, then we reach the underlying principle of our whole universe. The underlying principle for their deeds and actions is the love that they have in their hearts.

On this day, and every day, let us appreciate the gift of love, how much love our mothers have for us and how much we have gained from that love. Let us also remember the one who created all mothers, God, and let a mother’s love remind us of the love that God has for us.

I wish all the mothers of the world a Happy Mother’s Day.

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