International Day of Meditation

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

September 20, 2018

The International Day of Meditation, celebrated on September 20, is a day on which people around the world can spend time in meditation for the health and wellness of their body, mind, and soul.

Studies by medical doctors and researchers show the value of meditation for our physical and mental health. An added benefit is that it also gives us time to sit in silence to explore our spiritual gifts within.

Science of Spirituality celebrates this day in its over 2800 centers worldwide by exploring the benefits of meditation and practicing it. People of all ages and backgrounds can easily practice meditation. It requires no difficult physical postures or poses. We merely sit in a comfortable position and concentrates our attention within.

The benefits to our physical, mental, and spiritual health

People peace happiness for meditation

Read more on how meditation can bring joy into your life.

  • Connectedness with the peace and happiness within
  • Lowered risk of stress-related illnesses
  • Increased mental calm, equilibrium and balance
  • Improved concentration and focus

It is my wish that people try the experiment of meditation for themselves for the improved health of their body, mind, and spirit.

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