Learn how to meditate
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.
Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed by all that is around you? The good news is you’re not alone. And, when you learn meditation, you can do something about it.
Many of us go about each day feeling stressed, hurt, lonely, lost, or unfulfilled. Many are looking for meaning in life and asking the deeper questions: is there more to this human existence? Others are looking for a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves. At work, at home, on our way to work, on our way back home, we are struggling to stay calm, positive and peaceful. So, is there hope for us? The even-better news is: yes, there is!

Enter Meditation
Why Meditate?
We Are All Searching for Love
What is SOS Meditation?
Spiritual Awakening through SOS Meditation
Healing and Transformation through SOS Meditation

SOS Meditation Technique

Learn from a Spiritual Master

7 Steps to Establish a Daily SOS Meditation Practice
Helping Factors in Meditation


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Learn SOS Meditation
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.
Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed by all that is around you? The good news is you’re not alone. And, when you learn meditation, you can do something about it.
So many of us go about each day feeling stressed, hurt, lonely, lost, or unfulfilled. Many are looking for meaning in life and asking the deeper questions: is there more to this human existence? Many others are looking for a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves. At work, at home, on our way to work, on our way back home, we are constantly struggling to stay calm, positive and peaceful. So, is there hope for us? The even better news is, yes, there is!

Enter, Meditation.
Yes, the buzz about meditation is true. Though it’s a trending topic these days, meditation is an ancient practice that is only now becoming widely popular. It has been proven to relieve stress, reduce our blood pressure, enhance our concentration, make us calm, joyful, and uplifted. But these are just the byproducts of true meditation; there is much more to meditation than meets the eye.With Science of Spirituality, you can learn meditation online to see for yourself. With our online meditation training, you gain skills to tap into the power of this calming practice wherever you are.

Why Meditate?
The real reason to meditate is in fact, a spiritual reason. It is so that we can become spiritually aware. Once we become aware of our spiritual nature, everything else in life falls into place.
So what is it about meditation that makes it a solution to many ailments in modern-day society?

We Are All Searching for Love
To understand this, we need to better understand the root cause of many of our ailments. Why do we feel lost, unhappy, lonely, ungrounded, unfulfilled or hurt? Perhaps we are seeking connection in our lives, or are in need of healing; perhaps we don’t feel safe and secure, or we don’t feel fulfilled with what life has to offer. Perhaps we see life’s glass as half empty. Regardless of the reasons, these ailments all have an underlying reality: they all arise from our innate nature as humans to love and be loved. We seek love from the moment we are born, for it is our true essence.
Put simply, meditation is the means by which we experience the love, peace, and stillness that is within ourselves. It unlocks the gates to the reservoir of untapped love that we carry with us.

What is SOS Meditation?
SOS Meditation is the process by which we take our attention away from the world outside and focus it within ourselves. In doing so, we defocus from the turmoil of our surroundings and connect with the Source of all love, all joy, which is God. SOS Meditation is about experiencing God’s love for ourselves. SOS Meditation is taught as a science that anyone can practice no matter our age, faiths or beliefs. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj talks about the relationship between Science and Spirituality.

SOS Meditation Technique
Preparing for SOS Meditation:
SOS Meditation does not require any difficult postures. The technique involves sitting in a pose most comfortable, one in which you can sit the longest without moving, and that is not conducive to falling asleep. Any movement keeps the attention on the body. No part of the body should be touching anyone, since if one moves, it will disturb the other.
SOS Meditation Instructions:
Close your eyes
Our attention should be fully alert
Focus your eyes
Mentally repeat a calming word
Sit lovingly

Learn from a Spiritual Master
If you’ve ever tried to learn a new skill on your own, you would quickly realize that mastery of the skill requires learning from an adept who has mastered the subject. Be it Organic Chemistry, learning to ride a bike, learning a new art form or a new language – the key is the same: mastery requires learning from an expert.
Meditation, a science in itself, is no different. Though the theory of meditation can be gleaned from a book, meditation is a practical experience. Progress and success in this practice mandates the need for a teacher, an adept, who has already achieved the goal of meditation and who can guide us through the process by showing us how to concentrate our attention at the seat of our soul. Just as a Chemistry teacher can help us decipher the observations we make in a Chemistry lab, so too can a spiritual adept help us understand and navigate the various stages of our spiritual growth. One who has mastered the subject of spirituality, is addressed not just as a teacher, or a guide, but as a spiritual Master.
Having once been a student themselves, a spiritual Master is keenly aware of the intricacies and challenges that lay before the practitioner. With empathy and compassion, they guide the student step by step through the spiritual journey, while also helping the student overcome the challenges of daily life

7 Steps to Establish a Daily SOS Meditation Practice
Are you new to the SOS meditation technique or interested in strengthening your meditation practice? Here are some steps you can follow to establish a daily meditation practice:
Create the space
Find the optimal time
Take small steps
Keep a journal of your progress
Schedule your meditation practice
Find a meditation buddy
Celebrate Progress

Helping Factors in Meditation
Be regular in your practice
Learn to focus on one thing at a time
Be aware of yourself throughout the day
Develop passion and zeal
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj explores Helping Factors in Stilling the Mind. Read More…

I “lucked into” learning about this type of meditation and I’m so glad I did. One day I tagged along with a friend to a meeting, not knowing that it would include a short SOS meditation session. From that little start, I explored it more. I find it changes my whole day when I meditate in the morning, and if I meditate before sleep I wake up feeling lighter and more refreshed. I’m still a beginner but I love it!
Practicing meditation saves my life. I am a Silver Star, Purple Heart Vietnam Veteran suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The calming word I use in meditation I also use to help me sleep peaceful, overcome anger and transcend daily stressors. What a gift.
Meditation has had a tremendous benefit in the quality of my life. I work in a very stressful occupation that requires an ability to be mentally nimble and responsively creative. There is no doubt the meditation has been the key to my productivity and ultimately my enjoyment of life despite the daily challenges that present themselves.
SOS meditation has been my go-to coping mechanism. And even though I’m not particularly adept or anything, it has really helped me through some difficult and painful times.

Spiritual Awakening through SOS Meditation
Through the practice of SOS Meditation, we embark on a spiritual adventure that helps us realize our purpose for being alive. We come to realize that we are much more than our bodies and our emotions. We become aware of our true identity as spirit or soul. We realize that our soul is having a human experience in this world. When this happens, our understanding of life shifts. We begin to see that there is a deeper meaning to life; we begin to live with intention so that we make every moment count. Suddenly, the ups and downs of life, the disappointments, the minor disagreements, all begin to fade into the background, and joy, happiness and fulfillment become the narrative of our life.

Healing and Transformation through SOS Meditation
When we connect with God, we become filled with God’s love. We are nourished in ways we couldn’t imagine possible; we are uplifted and elevated. This love changes our perspective of life and the world around us; it transforms and ultimately, heals us. Read more about the Healing Power of Meditation by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
As we awaken spiritually, we become more conscious of ourselves and of the world around us. We see our interconnectedness with all living forms. We become more loving, more compassionate, more tolerant and more understanding. With a whole new perspective on life, we begin to enjoy our time here on earth. Having tapped into the reservoir of God’s love, we spread the fragrance of this love to all. Through meditation, we transform into beacons of love and light in this world.