Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj today described how on life’s journey, we have full control over our thoughts and our outlook on life. We just need to exercise this control. Our thoughts define our destiny, and when we control our thoughts, we control our destiny. As we embark on the spiritual journey through meditation, we begin to look at life from a higher angle of vision, and we automatically embrace a positive outlook on life, focusing on the good. We realize that God’s creation is perfect, and all that has been created by God is correct. We all have a purpose and a role to play in the great panorama of life.
Within us is a light that is perpetually lit, he said. This light, the inner Light of God that is experienced through meditation, dispels the darkness of the outer world. We need to connect with this Light within so that we can be imbued with the joy and bliss of the inner spiritual worlds, irrespective of the outer challenges we may face. As we partake of the bounty of the inner worlds, we realize that no difficulty in the outer world can derail us from finding the happiness that resides within.