This evening, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj inaugurated the Science of Spirituality Center in Rionegro, Colombia, 30 miles from the city of Medellín. The beautiful center, known as Rajinder Ashram, is surrounded by pine trees and rolling green hills, and was designed and built by volunteers of the local Science of Spirituality organization.

The two-storied building blends a medley of materials, creating a harmonious union of the elements. Outside, gravel pathways, giant ferns, flowering bushes, and fruit trees make up the landscape. The spiritual Master shared his joy to be at the center, remarking that the space will help visitors grow spiritually and realize the purpose for which we have been given human birth. He inscribed the following on a gold-plated plaque at the center:

With love and joy.
May all be spiritually enlightened.
Rajinder Singh
January 4, 2020