This Sunday, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj focused his talk on the importance of being happy in the face of life’s ups and downs. Often times in life, he said, we let troubles and difficulties get us down. However, those who can smile in the face of difficulties are able to deal with them in a better manner.

We should realize that challenges are always going to be a part of life, but every cloud has a silver lining, and all difficulties will come to pass. He said we need to get to a state in life where we have full faith in God, and where we know that God is taking care of us at all times.

This belief only comes when we have an experience of God, which happens as we meditate. In the silence of our body and mind, as we connect with our real self, we realize God’s presence in our lives. This direct experience makes us happy on the inside, which then flows out of us, the spiritual Master said. Nothing on the outside can take away this happiness that comes from within. This happiness brings a smile to our face, which makes it easier for us to navigate life’s challenges, and can also ease the pain of others, bringing joy into the lives of all around us.