Just as a fish cannot live without the sea, the soul cannot live without God.

Science of Spirituality a spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation


Inspiring quotes, videos and articles by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Building Bridges through Meditation
Great philosophers have said, “Know thyself.” Sant Rajinder Singh Ji writes that this mandate should be the first thing we pursue as we come into this world. Click the image to read this article.
How Anger Pollutes
The Lesson of the Sparrows
Spiritual Quote

From Recent Spiritual Talks

Growing Closer to God through Meditation

Growing Closer to God through Meditation

Many thousands from throughout India and the world gathered at Sant Darshan Singh Ji Dham, Burari, Delhi, to conclude the 28th Global Conference on Mysticism. (September 13-20, 2024). The day coincided with International Meditation Day and the birthday of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.

In his address, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji detailed how to adopt spirituality and love as a way of life in order to fulfill the purpose of this human existence. As human beings, he said, we seek bliss and peace in outer transitory pleasures. But, those who seek God are searching for the Light that stays with us forever and for lasting bliss and peace. This enduring joy cannot be found in the outer world marred by sorrow, tension, and confrontation, said the spiritual Master. Permanent peace and bliss reside within us and can be ours through meditation. God is an Ocean of all peace and love, he said, devoid of even the slightest turmoil. To merge in this Ocean, we need to go within. “If you don’t go within, you go without,” he cautioned, emphasizing that to merge in God’s Ocean of love, we must walk the path of love because only those who love find God.

Our life has a definite purpose, and that purpose is to find God, meet God, and merge in God. For this, we need to deflect our attention from the turmoil of outer life and focus it within. By collecting our sensory currents at the third eye through meditation, we can connect with God’s divine Power. It is up to us to live our life in a manner that is in alignment with the teachings of the saints, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji said. If we do so, then we can wake up each morning and celebrate a new day, a “birthday,” that brings us evermore closer to God.

Meditation: The Inner Retreat

Meditation: The Inner Retreat

A large global gathering convened at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham (UK) for the second public talk of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s 2024 UK tour. The spiritual Master explained how the love, joy, and happiness we seek in the outer world await us within. The divine nectar of God’s love is ever-present within each of us. We can partake of this sweet nectar when, with the guidance of a spiritual Master, we learn to journey into the inner worlds through meditation.

As we withdraw our attention from the outer world and focus it within, we can connect with God’s love and nourish our soul. Through meditation, we realize God’s presence in our lives, and as this happens, worry and fear dissipate.

Addressing the many new seekers in the audience, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji reminded everyone of the grand purpose for which we were given this human existence. We need to make use of this golden opportunity to help our soul find its way back to God so that the light of the soul merges again into the Light, just as the waves of the ocean merge again into the ocean. Our private inner retreat can be accessed through meditation, and it serves as our refuge from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

Online Webinars

Detox the Mind

Free Online Workshop

Learn to Meditate

Free Online Workshop

Spiritual Awareness

Free Online Workshop

Spiritual Insights

by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Latest Happenings

Free Checkup & Cataract Surgeries Eye Camp

Every year Science of Spirituality/SKRM hosts a Free Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery Camp in Delhi, India, to move the needle on preventable blindness. The camp is held twice a year in the month of February and September.

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Latest Articles

Serving God’s Creation

Serving God’s Creation

Many only want to serve God directly. We do not realize that it is also God’s work to serve God’s creation. Each day, life presents us with opportunities to help others.

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Spiritual Spring Cleaning

When we focus on examining our thoughts, we need to evaluate what aspects of ourselves we want to cleanse. We need to understand what is cluttering our minds and hearts and keeping us from opening up to God’s love.

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A Healthy Attitude to Failure

A Healthy Attitude to Failure

As we sit for meditation and prayer we should not be discouraged. We should do our part to meditate accurately, and leave the rest to God. Then one day we will find that all our efforts have borne fruit.

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Featured Videos

We Each Have a Role to Play

Here, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj expresses his appreciation for the health care professionals risking their lives during the Pandemic and explains how we can help.

Enhancing Our Spiritual Capital

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj tells us the purpose of our being here is to connect with ourselves and discover who we truly are. This we do when we sit in silence, when we meditate.

Finding God in Challenging Times

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj offers suggestions for staying positive in times of isolation. He says we should pay attention to our physical health and stay active mentally.